Year's Cake
(Vasilopita) |
This cake is
served on the arrival of the New Year.
Tradition says that whoever finds the coin in the cake will have good
luck all year.
1½ lb strong plain flour
1 sachet of instant dried yeast
2oz slightly salted butter
½ tspn salt
5oz sugar
2 eggs
8oz warm milk
1 tspn mexlepi
Use the dough hook on the food processor.
- Grind the mexlepi to a powder.
- Place all the dry ingredients into a food processor and mix for
one minute.
- Add the beaten eggs and warm milk and knead for a few minutes. The
dough should not be sticking to the bowl.
- Place on a floured surface and shape into a round ball.
- Roll the dough with a rolling pin to about 1-inch thickness,
maintaining a round shape.
- Place on a greased tray and cover with a clean tea towel and leave
in a warm place for 1 hour until doubled in size.
- Brush the surface with beaten egg and sugar. Sprinkle with sesame
- Bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes until golden brown.
- When cool, insert a coin wrapped in tin foil in the base of the
- The cake is divided into the number of people in the family plus
one more for the house. Each person chooses one piece. Good luck
will come to the person who finds it.
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